Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Descriptive Paragraphs

Our class completed a Halloween Descriptive Paragraph.

First, we brainstormed Halloween Words.

Then, we voted to choose a Topic Sentence.

Then, we wrote descriptive sentences.

Then, students voted choose a closing sentence.

Finally, we wrote our descriptive paragraph.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Descriptive Paragraphs

Our class has been working hard on descriptive writing. We work each day on the Smartboard as a group to develop our writing skills. We have been taking well known poems and rhymes and adding descriptive words to paint a better picture for the reader. We just completed Jack and Jill. As soon as I learn how to attach a file to the blog you will be able to see our work more clearly. For now check out some of our work pictured below.

Crain's Gang

Hello everyone,

We are now blogging!!!